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英詩黑衣 YSHY: Cantonese Podcast on Global Anglophone Poetry 

Music Collaboration
⟡ 'I, too, overflow' with Push the Boat Out and Alexandra Shrinivas
'A hybrid poetry/prose/music performance' with Edinburgh Futures Institute and Dr Pippa Murphy
⟡ 'Sharks', Lament for a Modern World with AI Horton

⟡ 'Flow', performed in Tai Kwun and 離騷幻覺 Dragon's Delusion Preface 2nd Trailer Premiere (Online)

⟡ 'Zufustar' by Arm Charm

⟡ 'Sentimentos' by French Concession

Translations (English & Traditional Chinese & Cantonese)
⟡ Short Story: '隧道無車駛進 A Tunnel without Cars' by 周翊琳 Chow Yik Lam
⟡ Poems: ‘桌上蠟燭台 (Candle holder on the table)', ‘桌上收音機 (Radio on the table)' by Wahyan Au
⟡ Novella: '她不是她的舞者 (She Is Not Her Dancer)' by 黃堅儀
⟡ Lyrics: '可掬 KEJU' by 小本生燈, KELVIN T, 周穆 
⟡ Lyrics: '水晶 (Crystals)', '恍然嚮往的瞬間 (An Instant of Sudden Longing)' by 意色樓 AN ID SIGNAL  

⟡ Short story: '無水 (When Water Stops)' with Zephyr Li in Languages of Water edited by Eugen Bacon
⟡ Subtitle: '瓷狗 (PorcelainDog) ' directed by Chan Sheung Shing
⟡ Picture Book: Touch by Papaya Fung


Anthologies & (Maga)zines & Event Curation
⟡ Co-organise Red Bean Poetry
⟡ Translation advisory board for the other side of hope
⟡ Edit Where Else: An International Hong Kong Anthology

Other Projects: Project
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